Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Hello Everyone...!!!

Today i am here with more then 100 Multiple choice questions of PHP for PHP developers to improve Web Development skills. and get select in best web development company.

Que.1 The attack which involves the insertion of malicious code into a page frequented by other users is known as..

a) basic sql injection
b) advanced sql injection
c) cross-site scripting
d) scripting

Que.2 To validate an e-mail address, which flag is to be passed to the function filter_var()?


Que.3 Which one of the following function checks for the existence of DNS records?

a) checkdns()
b) checkdnsr()
c) checkdnsrr()
d) checkdnsa()

Que.4 To declare the function to confirm the deletion you need to add the code to ___.
a) inc.php
c) include.php
d) functions.include.php ]

Que.5 What will be the output of the following PHP code?
  1.     echo hex2bin("48656c6c6f20576f726c6421");
  2. ?>
a) Hello World!
b) welcome to india
c) This is PHP!
d) MCQ questons

Que.6 How many validation filters like FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL are currently available?

a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8

Que.7 Which one of the following function returns the port number of a specified service?

a) getportname()
b) getservername()
c) getserverbyname()
d) getservbyname()

Que.8 When a user confirms that he wishes to delete an entry, that entry’s URL is passed to a function which removes the entry from the ___.

a) index.php
c) database
d) admin.php

Que.9 The URLs in the administrative links won’t mean anything to admin.php unless you modify ___.

a) .htaccess
b) .adminaccess
c) .htmlaccess
d) .urlaccess

Que.10 Which variable is used to collect form data sent with both the GET and POST methods?


Answersheet of these Questions will be available Tomorrow

Want more Questions....??? CLICK THE LINKS BELOW


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