Sunday, 7 December 2014

Web Design Company
In a discussion in webmaster forum, Google's Zineb Ait Bahajji said clearly and directly that :

"We do not rank responsive web design sites better than sites using other configurations (separate site for mobile or dynamic serving)".

She also points out that this is written clearly and directly in their developer recommendations:

"Google does not favor any particular URL format as long as the page(s) and all page assets are accessible to all Googlebot user-agents".

But both Google and Bing prefer responsive design over others for a few reasons. But mostly because it requires less resources and the link signals are clearer.

Zineb said the reason Google prefers it is because "it's easier to maintain, it's future-friendly and we see less configuration errors with RWD (faulty redirects or bad user-agent detection for instance)."

What do you thnk about this article... Share with us in comments.

Regards : web Design Company

1 comment:

  1. A briliant post. Looking to see if any other web content writers have worked with Ink for All, I’ve honestly always been a Yoast advocate but started working with INK for ALL. In love with the interface. Would love to know how others feel about it:


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