Monday, 4 August 2014

  Hello Everyone..!!

In MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT it is the most important thing a application developer should keep in mind that mobile application should be user friendly..

There are some tips by M2 Software Solutions  to make apps user friendly.

How to make user friendly mobile application


1. Think as user : 

It is really important that you think like a user. it will give you an idea that what user want, which age group will use your app, what functionality should a app have. because your user convenience is more important then your own.

2. keep it simple to use : 

your mobile application should be simple so that new user can also use it . Most popular and best interfaces aren't complex in fact with the right approach the to usability, you can put a huge amount of functionality to a simple, user-friendly design.

3.Make it Usable

Your app should have value to the user by helping them do something or giving them important information. Decide upfront what you want your app to do before you begin designing it. Don’t try to have it do too much, especially if this is your first app. Instead, opt for a clean app that does one or two things well and you will appeal to a wider audience.
Some of the tasks a user friendly mobile app can handle include the following:
  • Social messaging
  • Photo sharing
  • Mobile payment
  • Location
  • Voice chatting
  • Games

Cover as Many Platforms as Possible

Every day users access apps across multiple devices and platforms — desktop, Web, smartphone and tablet — often covering all platforms in one day. Entrepreneurs need to make sure their app is available, functional and attractive across as many devices and platforms as possible.


Customers have the right to secure transactions and interaction with your mobile app on every step. Having solid agreements with top quality vendors is necessary to ensure your commitment to security is shared among all parties involved in the process.

Testing is key

Testing in mobile apps is a bit of a new field, but it can be extremely impactful. Check out platforms like Artisan to power these tests.

If you have more tips... then share with us...

Regards : M2 Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


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