Hello Friends...!!!
Read and enjoy some interesting things below...
1). 58% of U.S. consumers aged 16 years and older (this is
the second largest market in
terms of technology, after China) own at least one
2). The number of mobile Internet users
in 2013 who browse websites and access social networks via smartphones, exceeded 1.2
3). The amount of mobile Internet traffic is 15% of the total Internet traffic in the world.
4). Device with any of the existing diagonal screen does
not occupy more than 20% of the market in the context of world sales: variety
of mobile devices is growing.
5). 61% of the Earth population
can change their mind about the brand, if the brand offers opportunities for mobile access,
mobile applications or purchase goods
and services via smartphone.
6). 60% of online shoppers use
smartphones at the time of stay
in grocery stores and supermarkets, and another 50% - on the way to the
7). 90% of people switch between different devices in the process of completing a specific task, and in the process of
implementation usually involves
smartphones, desktop PCs, Internet tablets and even
8). In 2013 and 2014, it is planned to supply nearly half billion
9). Mobile web continues acceleration, not only because of
the love for the technology: every 100 milliseconds, during which user is forced to wait for the next page to load
on the screen of a
mobile phone or tablet reduces
sales by 1%.
10). 85% of emails in the world are browsed via mobile phones and another 16% of
them - via tablets.
11). Mobile search engines today are
treated quarter of all search
queries in the world.
12). 95% of smartphone
users search for information, tied
to local points, brands and data.
13). Users of mobile devices spend on buying
50% more than PC
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