Monday, 25 August 2014

Hello Everyone...!!!
web design company, web designer,

For working in any WEB DESIGN COMPANY Every  web designer should have some attributes

Here are some attributes that every web designer must have.

 Must have attributes for a good web designer.


1. Creative :


 a good web designer should be creative and capable to produce new and innovative ideas. they should be "able to paint the expectations of client".

2. Aware of Audience : 

They should be able to know "Who is Our targeted audience for a particular product or a service".and design the web according to them.

3. Problem solving skills :

A good web designer should have rapid problem solving skills. whenever any issue comes in design they "should be able to produce a solution immediately".

4. Good communication and listening : 

They should have good communication and listening to know "what a client is expecting". They should be able to engage in meaningful conversations with clients to ensure both parties are in agreement of the work that is being done.

5. A team Player : 

A good designer must have the capability to "work with anyone involved in the design process".

6. Vision : 

A good designer should have a great sense of vision. They should understand what client is asking and should be "able to visualize the end result and set a clear goal".

These are some points i have found for web designers. if you have more then please share with us.... in comments.

Regards : M2Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.



able to garner what a client is expecting.
able to garner what a client is expecting.
able to garner what a client is expecting.
able to garner what a client is expecting.
able to garner what a client is expecting.
able to garner what a client is expecting.

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