Wednesday, 8 April 2015

There is a considerable boom in e-commerce world With more and more people relying on the Internet to shop products online. With big names such as Amazon and eBay already doing great business, the internet has evolved to become a great platform for product and business exposure.

With the help of WordPress and various plugins available you can build  Great eCommerce sites.The powerful plug-in architecture of WordPress makes it possible for anyone to transform an ordinary site into a fully-fledged digital shop.

WP e-Commerce:

WP e-commerce is the most popular e-commerce WordPress plugin With over 1.5 million download. It allows  allows you to customize HTML and CSS, so you could have full control over the look and feel of your eStore. 

Woocommerce Plugin :

With Packed full of top of the line  features, Woocommerce plugin is a powerful and  highly extendable plug-in, which allows you to turn your WordPress site into a multi-million dollar eCommerce store. It provides lots of features including a dashboard widget so that you can easily check the progress of your online businesses.

It comes with multiple payment options including Paypal, Cheque, Cash on delivery and many more options and you can also add multiple extensions to the plugin from a wide range of Woocommerce extensions.

Cart66 Lite:

Cart66 Lite, formerly known as PHPurchase,  You can easily sell both digital and physical products with it. It has multiple shipping and currency options and with these options  it can also help you can give your business an international edge. You can easily place ads in any page and also use affiliate marketing for more profit.

Jigoshop :

Jigoshop features an intuitive dashboard through which you’ll have the ability to setup and manage your web store in minutes. You can choose from 30+ fully fledged and highly customizable themes that are suitable for building any kind of online store. Plus there are over one hundreds of powerful extensions offered to take your eStore to the next level.


Quick Shop : 


Quick Shop adds a sidebar which displays the visitor’s shopping cart along the page. Quick Shop supports built-in Paypal and Email functionality. It also provides the option to add products to your pages with a TinyMCE button. Visitors can also remove any item from their shopping cart.

Regards : Best Web Development Company India


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