Tuesday, 21 April 2015

SEO CompanyIt’s not enough to have a popular website with good content anymore. If you want better search engine results for your business, it’s time to look at how social media influences Search results.

how you can align both your social and SEO efforts. Here are five best practices for social media SEO: 

1. Publish High-Quality Content :


You’ll hear it over and over because it’s true: “Content is king, and everything else is gravy!” If you can get your content right, you’ll have set a strong foundation for SEO success.

2. Make Social Sharing Easy :


Getting people to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and other networks connects your brand to the wider social web, which allows your message to potentially reach thousands of prospects.

3. Boost Your Images and Profiles :


If you’ve been blogging for a while, you know that images can be a powerful SEO magnet. The problem is, they’re often overlooked in favor of written content. This is a big mistake,Images speaks more than text.

4. Don’t Forget Authorship Metadata :


One of the most important features of Google+ is authorship. Simply put, this feature allows the author’s picture to appear next to search results of content they have created. 

5. Measure Social Media Performance :


Whatever your goal, measure! Measuring and analyzing your efforts are key to having effective SEO tactics. When you track and analyze what’s working, you can focus on the things that matter. 

Regards : Top SEO Company


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