Monday 18 May 2015

The most important component of a E commerce website is to convert visitors of website to buyers. Because Increase in conversion rate has a direct effect on sales revenue.
ecommerce development

Even if you are selling the most perfect products at the most affordable prices but you don’t have all of your e-commerce components  in a row, customers will shop elsewhere.   

Our experts have listed some most common e commerce mistakes which impact on sales conversion and by successfully addressing each of them you will see a direct increase in revenue.

1. Lack of Product Information

Before making a purchase decision Online customers do more product research than ever. So on your product pages, include all details about the product and answer of any questions the customer might have relating to its use.

2. Poor Quality Product Images

Ask few questions before uploading product images : 

A. Do your product images show your item from all angles?
B. Are they clear and high quality?
Where possible, include images of your product in use which can make them seem more tangible and desirable in a shopping environment where the customer can't actually touch the product themselves.

3. Complicated Checkout Process

You have to make it as easy as possible for your customers to hand over their credit card information and complete their order.

Most of the Researches into online buyer behaviour consistently shows that  fewer steps in the checkout process is better. Don't make checkout process Long or Confusing for visitors. These steps should be designed to provide an intuitive and straightforward experience, guiding the customer through basket, delivery and payment details.

Remember, more steps you put between them placing an item in their cart and actually paying for it, the more opportunities you give them to leave your site without completing their purchase.

4. Not Allowing Guest Checkout

This ties in directly to the previous item. Forcing a customer to register for an account before placing an order adds extra steps to the checkout process. It  directly reduce sales conversion rates.

5. Lack of Payment Options

The most common online payment options are credit or debit card, But still  the usage of alternative payment methods such as Paypal, e-wallets making up over 40% of all online transactions. So you need to provide as many payment solutions as is practical to optimize the number of orders you get.

 6. Poor Site Search Functionality

Let's say a visitor finds your website through a search for "wool socks". Once on your website they want to find "blue wool socks for men". If your site can't refine a list of products based on variation options, your customer will need to spend time manually browsing your catalog. The longer the user experience the less likely the purchase.
7. It Loads Slowly 

Loading time of a website is a critical component when it comes to e-commerce. An Aberdeen Group study reported that visitors will start abandoning a page after three seconds. which means that page load time has major impact on the bottom line for retailers.

A one-second delay in page load time can :

A. result in a 7 percent loss in conversions.
B. 11 percent fewer page views
C. 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction.

Keep these factors in mind while developing a e commerce website to increase Sales.
When it comes to e-commerce, site speed is critical. - See more at: When it comes to e-commerce, site speed is critical. An Aberdeen Group study reported that visitors will start abandoning a page after three seconds, which means that page load time has major impact on the bottom line for retailers. What’s more, a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7 percent loss in conversions, 11 percent fewer page views and a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction. And according to reports from Radware, an integrated application delivery systems provider that studies web performance, most retail sites aren’t meeting customers’ expectations for speed is critical. An Aberdeen Group study reported that visitors will start abandoning a page after three seconds, which means that page load time has major impact on the bottom line for retailers. What’s more, a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7 percent loss in conversions, 11 percent fewer page views and a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction. And according to reports from Radware, an integrated application delivery systems provider that studies web performance, most retail sites aren’t meeting customers’ expectations for speed.
When it comes to e-commerce, site speed is critical. - See more at:

For any Ecommerce web development services, Feel free to comtact us at : 


M2Soft Solutions

When it comes to e-commerce, site speed is critical. An Aberdeen Group study reported that visitors will start abandoning a page after three seconds, which means that page load time has major impact on the bottom line for retailers. What’s more, a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7 percent loss in conversions, 11 percent fewer page views and a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction. And according to reports from Radware, an integrated application delivery systems provider that studies web performance, most retail sites aren’t meeting customers’ expectations for speed.
Tammy Everts, a senior evangelist with SOASTA and former senior researcher with Radware, spoke at our Online Merchandising Workshop in 2014, and she outlined a few common design mistakes that often contribute to sluggish site performance. As we gear up for the next Online Merchandising Workshop this July, we wanted to share these three common cases that continue to hurt performance. Do any of these cases apply to your site?
- See more at:


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